Days Until Gen Con 2019

Saturday, July 10, 2021

YOU OWE ME MONEY: 2021 Edition

 For the hotel, both you mooks owe me: 525

For tickets, both you mooks owe me: 20 each, so far

For gas/car expense, me and Keith owe Steve: TBD

For badge, Steve owes me 113

That's a lot of money Steve owes me - SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY EIGHT DOLLARS.

  Are you sure Angela knows about this?

GenCon 2021: Survivors of the Plague

 Keeping it light this year.  Just one event on Thursday and Saturday.  I want to spend more time cruising the supposedly-less-packed exhibit hall and maybe, just maybe, play some games in there?  Like the olden days....

 So I got exactly 2 of the 5 events I signed up for.  I'll keep an eye on what's added and deleted from this handy site:

I've added a 13th level PF1 pregen event on Thursday night and an X-Wing minis game early Friday.