Days Until Gen Con 2019

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Who's Driving?

I still cannot get a vehicle from work, so that option is out.

I do not believe that any of us has a vehicle that will be able to take all 5 of us and our stuff comfortably. That means we are looking at 2 cars again.

Can Dave and Steve drive again this year?

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

2017 Event Spreadsheet

I want to play ALL THE STARFINDER so that leaves me out of playing the special on Sunday with Keith.  The 3rd SF scenario is only held on Sunday morning.  It threw an error when I tried to buy Keith any tickets, so I have me, Bruce, and #FFSS wish-listed.

The Friday 8pm slot is a special.  I got tier 5-6 but I could be talked up or down.

Just to firm it up, here is the current wish list.  Steve and Bruce match my schedule.  David goes to Gencon to play wacky shit so who knows if we'll see him anywhere but the hotel.

PFS and Starfinder Events

The PFS and Starfinder events are now up.

There is a PFS special on Saturday night. I plan to play but you have to get your tickets by the tier you plan to play. There are options for 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 10-11. Assuming we want to play together, what tier looks good?

I have the most/best options at tier 7-8. I think that would be my first choice.

It also appears that they are doing a special on Friday night with the same tier structure. (As I will be running games then, I am not as concerned about this one. :))

The Star Finder Special is for 4th level pregens and will be run on multiple days. I am looking at playing the Sunday morning slot.

There is also PFS #8-25: Unleashing the Untouchable which is a tier 12-15 adventure. That is also offered throughout the weekend. That could be fun to do together (or not as Bruce and I are the only ones that have characters in that range not set for Eyes of the Ten). Or I could play it alone and be able to run it for the home crew.