Days Until Gen Con 2019

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


This time next year we should be stopped/stopping for lunch on our way to Gen Con.

Money Still Owed

The money from Gen Con is almost settled up. We just have a few transactions left.

Keith,Dave and David paid Bruce for parking.

Bruce owes Steve $16 for gas. Steve owes Bruce $28 for parking. That means Steve owes Bruce $12.

Steve owes Dave $6 for gas. Dave owes Steve $16 for gas. That means Dave owes Steve $10.

Keith owes Steve $16 for gas. Keith paid Dave $6.

David owes Steve $16 for gas (left it with Bruce). Not sure if he paid Dave his $6 or not.

Monday, June 13, 2016

How are we getting to Gen Con?

We need to determine who is driving to Gen Con. As I said before, I cannot get a company vehicle this year. My vehicle is not large enough to take all of us and all of our stuff. In addition, I am going to be over miles and I need to watch how many miles I drive between now and the end of my lease.

Renting a large enough car is going to be stupid expensive. Something like $500-1000 for a week depending on what we would pick. So that option appears to be out.

Who can drive? Dave mentioned he might be able to drive and he also said that he wanted to be the driver on the way home as he has been getting car sick as a passenger. Can David drive? I know that he recently got a new car.

If I have to drive, I will be taking my wife's car. It is small so I can take one other person and their stuff max.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Event Spreadsheet

These are the tentative events I've wishlisted for me, Steve, and Paul (Bruce).  It's not final, since not all the events for Friday are listed.  It still covers the first 3 scenarios for Season 8 and all the specials.

Friday's special, the Cosmic Captive, is parsed out ticketwise by 2 levels until the top.  I.E. we have to buy tickets either in the 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, or 9-11 bracket.  I selected the 9-11.  I may change my mind after I review my stable and the submission date gets closer.

A subtle change over last year: PFS events are starting an hour later (2pm and 8pm).

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2016 hotel and other stuff

As,I mentioned last night I have purchased our room for this coming gencon.

I charged the room and tax for $3151.93

Divine by 5 and we get $ 630.38   "each!"

There will be a kickback if someone (cough cough randy cough) decides to join in later.

So far the commited people are : bruce, keith, steve, dave, and david.

I don't know if everyone was there when I said Paul called me last week about if he should commit to VIG, I said yes. But thats not a sure thing yet. It would most likely change if matt & brian decide to go. We'll see about that later.