Days Until Gen Con 2019

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2016 hotel and other stuff

As,I mentioned last night I have purchased our room for this coming gencon.

I charged the room and tax for $3151.93

Divine by 5 and we get $ 630.38   "each!"

There will be a kickback if someone (cough cough randy cough) decides to join in later.

So far the commited people are : bruce, keith, steve, dave, and david.

I don't know if everyone was there when I said Paul called me last week about if he should commit to VIG, I said yes. But thats not a sure thing yet. It would most likely change if matt & brian decide to go. We'll see about that later.


  1. Our credit cards are still smoking from Christmas. Let me hit the wife with this tonight.

  2. i sent Paul a check for $1044 for the vig badges.

    for the hotel :
    Keith owes $330(we have an arrangement)
    Dave owes $291
    Steve owes $291
    David has a credit of $9

  3. reminder, Dave & Steve still owe me money.
    I know cause i just paid my bills and have no money left!

  4. the event catalog is up and ready!!!!

    near the bottom of the page.
