Days Until Gen Con 2019

Sunday, May 15, 2022

No really. I hope you like Shadowrun.

 Apparently with Paizo's diminished presence for 2022, PFS events are the hawt ticket.  I got ONE and filled in the rest of the time with SR.  Cool and all, but remember you will OWE ME MORE MONEY as they are 20 per.

Couldnt find any PFS, Shadowrun, or Star Wars for Saturday evening.  I figure we can leave Saturday night open and go to the movies or the bar or game at the hotel or whatev.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Get in loser. We're playin SHADOWRUN

 Oddly enough, there weren't any PFS 2ed events in the evening Friday or Saturday.  *Shrug*

This is the current wish list.  Remember PFS events are 8$ each, and Shadowrun 20$

The Friday evening Shadowrun is their special event, and tickets are 50$  I didnt see an equivalent for PFS.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

So Who Plans to Go This Year?

 Gen Con 2022 is scheduled for August 4th-7th. Badges go on sale January 30th. Tickets not available until May 15th.

If we are going, we need to start thinking about a place to stay. Housing registration starts February 13th if we want to wait until then. Otherwise we need to reserve a place on our own.