Days Until Gen Con 2019

Friday, August 7, 2015

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Gen Con PFS Scenario Reporting

My PFS scenarios from Gen Con have already been reported. How about you guys?

PFS Scenario tracking

Can you please supply a list of which characters played the following PFS Scenarios at Gen Con:

6-97       Siege of Serpents
6-98       Serpents Rise
6-99       True Dragons of Absalom
7-00       The Sky Key Solution
7-01       Between the Lines
7-02       Six Seconds to Midnight

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

YOU OWE ME MONEY! Post Gen Con Edition

It is time to settle up accounts. We each need to pay for our portions for the car related expenses.

I did the calculations and here is the breakdown of what is owed to Bruce and to Keith:


Dave - Owes Bruce $14
David - Owes Bruce $14
Steve - Owes Bruce $14

The total for parking per Bruce was $70.


Bruce - Owes Keith $17
Dave - Owes Keith $31
David - Owes Keith $31
Steve - Owes Keith $31

The break down was $110 for gas, $4 for car wash and $40 that I will be charged in taxes for use of the vehicle.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

We leave in a week

It is less than 7 days until we leave for Gen Con! Let's finalize our exit plan from SE Michigan.

I got my paperwork signed for the company car today. I will be picking it up on Wednesday morning.

I plan to leave my house around 6:00 AM. I will then pick up Steve and we will head to Bruce's. We will get Bruce and head to Warren to get the car for the trip. I will drop Steve and Bruce at the McDonald's near the car pick up. I will then go get the car. (This could take some time.) I will transfer the stuff from my car to the company car. I will go get Bruce and Steve and then we will head to Dave's house. I assume that once we have Dave we will then have to travel to David's place to get him. (Need his address.) We will do the final packing there and then hit the road.

We will be play CoC in the car. Bruce will run. What is everyone playing?

We will stop for lunch along the way. Is Steak N Shake ok with everyone?

Once we hit Indy and check in, I need to get my Exhibitor Badge from Jeff. I will text/call him to make arrangements once we arrive. Once I have done that, we are free to go shopping and tamale fetching.

I will plan to run We Be Goblins Free (tier 3-5) that night. If you want, I could also run We Be Goblins (tier 1-2) as well to get everyone in the mood (plus you can get a boon if you have a previous We Be Goblins chronicle on the character getting credit for We Be Goblins Free).

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hotel 2015

Bruce, can you forward the stats for the hotel?  Fridge, mini-fridge, stove, rhino pit, etc?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

We Be Goblins Free!

As there are 4 of you, and that is how many pregens there are for it, I will plan to run We Be Goblins Free! at Gen Con. Likely this will happen Wednesday evening. If not then, it will happen sometime on Sunday night.

There are 4 goblin pregens. They are the same characters as previous We Be Golins adventures but this year they are 4th level. There is a rogue, an alchemist, a cleric and a fighter. I will print the maps, chronicles and character sheets. I will also bring the minis for Chuffy, Mogmurch, Poog and Reta.

You will be able to apply PFS credit to a 3rd, 4th or 5th level character.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

So what are we playing in the car?

So what are we playing in the car? PFS? Something else?

Is Bruce going to run something as has become tradition or is someone else taking a turn?

In the same vein, what do we want to play for Wednesday night and Sunday night? Do we want to have something planned ahead of time or do we want to play it by ear?

Sunday, May 17, 2015


STEVE owes Dave: 32
BRUCE owes Dave: 32

DAVE owes Keith: 12
STEVE owes Keith: 12
BRUCE owes Keith: 12
SOULLESS GINGER owes Keith: 12

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Gen Con Schedule

Updated 5/20 after Soulless Ginger update.  This should be final.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Event registration is on 5/17/15

Event registration is on 5/17/15.

The only games I know that I want to play for sure are: 

#6-99 - True Dragons of Absalom (Saturday night 7:00 PM)

#6-98 - Serpents Rise (Sunday morning 9:00 AM)
These are the convention specials where you get to play pregen Kobold and Aspis characters.
Do we all want to play? Should I plan to get 5 tickets for each event?

Riding to Indy in Style

I tried to get us a Cadillac Escalade but was thwarted.

I was able to secure a Buick Enclave for our trip to Indy this year. I am not sure of the actual seating plan but it looks like it it comes in 7 and 8 passenger configurations. Also I am not sure if it will have a roof rack or not but the vehicle is surely bigger than my Terrain. I will bring my cartop carrier just in case. If there is no roof rack I just will leave it in my car.

I will need to pick the vehicle up in Warren on the Wednesday morning we are leaving. I can get it as early as 7:00 AM. I expect that means that I will pick up Steve on my way to get Bruce. From there we will pick up the vehicle and then head over to Dave's. Does David want to ride with us or does he plan to drive again? If we are picking him up, he will be the last stop before hitting the road.

What time do we want to plan to be on the road? It will likely take us 5.5 hours, give or take, including stops. Traffic and construction could also extend that. What time is check-in at the hotel?

I am not sure how this company car process works as I have not done it before. I am getting one for this Memorial Day so I will have been through the process once before Gen Con. I expect to have a better understanding in a few weeks. If anything I have laid out above will not work, we will adjust the plan at that point.

The only real downside is that I must be in the vehicle when it is driven. I can drive or be a passenger. Since we are staying within walking distance of the con this year, I do not see that as a huge issue.

Expenses will mostly be gas. Might cost more than my Terrain but if we only take one vehicle it should be less overall. Will also have to get a car wash before returning it and will be taxed some for the perk of having the vehicle. I expect that will be about $40. (Again I will have a better idea after I go through the process on Memorial Day.)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Blog Settings

Added Steve to the e-mail distribution. Do Matt F and Chris want to be removed?

I will try to get a vehicle again for this year

I will try to get a larger vehicle from work for the trip. I can try to reserve a vehicle at 3:00 PM on 5/6/15. One way or another we will know that afternoon if we got one.

If I get the vehicle, I will have to pick it up on the Wednesday morning that we leave. 7:00 AM is the earliest that I can get it. I will be getting it in Warren. I will likely pick up Steve and Bruce and then go to pick it up. I really do not want to backtrack and I am sure that they would prefer to leave their vehicles at home.

If I cannot get a larger work vehicle, I can drive again but my vehicle really only holds 4 comfortably for that long of a trip. That will mean that someone else will also need to drive. I do not know if anyone was planning to drive or not already.